Good evening everybody, and welcome to Whose Line Is It Anyway? On tonight's show:
- He likes long walks on the beach, Wayne Brady
- He likes to cozy up to a warm fire, Chip Esten
- He likes making love in the moonlight, Colin Mochrie
- He likes to watch, Ryan Stiles
Hi, I'm your host, Drew Carey. Come on down, let's have some fun.
The Points[]
- Don't matter...
- If the points were a cheese, it would be Whiz
- Press Conference
- Public figure: Colin
- Topic: The queen of England announcing she's having an affair with Ryan Stiles
- Sound Effects (with Audience Members)
- Performers: Colin and Ryan
- Audience members: Andrea and Neely
- Scene: Ryan is a gallant knight trying to reach Rapunzel, Colin, in the tallest tower of the witch's castle, he must free her and escape past the witch, the sleeping dragon, and other dangers so they can be wed
- Duet
- Singers: Chip and Wayne
- Musicians: Laura, Linda, and Cece
- About: Loyola Marymount University cheerleaders
- Style: R&B
- Living Scenery
- Actors: Ryan and Colin
- Props: LMU cheerleaders Jennifer, Pamela, and Lyann
- Scene: Two cowboys out on the range tend to their cattle and set up camp for the night
- Irish Drinking Song
- Performers: Wayne, Chip, Colin, and Ryan
- Musician: Laura
- About: Passed wind
- No winner announced
- Everybody reads the credits with the Loyola Marymount University cheerleaders doing a chant
- This is a special Valentine's Day episode.